Attendees: Maija Ahlquist, Paul Champommier, Meg Chute, John Dvorak, Gill Emmons, Kathleen Flynn, Shawn Foley, Kevin Lyons, Mary Nicholson, Jean Roberge, Theresa Regan, Lisa Robinson, Sue St.Croix, Diane Shea, Jenette Simpson, Charlotte Watson, Anne Whealan Single HR-Payroll system - Integration Points - Charlotte Watson began with how the increased integration of HR and Payroll data into SAP is impacting other areas. Recently in support of Payroll reporting requirements, HR-Payroll Service Center updated employee names to match legal social security names. This generated 001s (cost object change reports), medical cards, etc. because these process link to the HR module via Eudora names. In another circumstance, a date change triggered TEM notices of class cancellations prematurely. Initially the time to resolve this problem was estimated to be two months, however, the business is escalating that they need resolution much sooner. Charlotte had several questions for SAPbiz - 1) Is SAPbiz the group to work through integration issues? 2) Should testing be modified to include email or other integration triggers? and 3) Is anything else being triggered automatically today? Kathleen Flynn offered to share with SAPbiz the list of HR email notifications that are triggered today. We should work with Administrative Computing to identify processes and get these worked ASAP. Jenette asked to be the contact for this. Everyone agreed this is a good starting point to work these issues. ASPCC - Jenette reviewed the process and results of Administrative Computing's project prioritization effort. Projects for review must be at least six-person months of effort; this criteria brought 29 proposals to ASPCC - where they selected 10 for business case development. In November ASPCC prioritized the 10 cases as follows: SAP Upgrade HR graduate Student Appointment Travel (evaluation) Compliance Management Automate 1042S Annual Salary Review HR Training and Events Management (EH&S focus only) Budgeting and Planning (evaluation) ESS/Ethnic Origin Administrative Portal Now Administrative Computing is developing a proposed timeline which aligns the resources incorporating skill sets and expertise across the organization. ASPCC has recommended incorporating peer institution review and benefit analysis with each case. Projects under six-person months will continue to be prioritized thorough the customer forums. January through April is the beginning of next year's cycle with collection of project information. Theresa expressed concern about disaster recovery preparedness. Specifically, asking about plans to migrate to a single web application, since multiple applications require unique hardware, software, and resources which complicates our ability to recover in the expected times. These various systems also increase our testing time and resources. Jenette explained there is an on-going effort to migrate to a single web application, confirming that one of the 29 proposals to ASPCC was to compress items which would give us more system stability, but it did not make the ten projects for this year. Beyond the ten projects approved by ASPCC, Administrative Computing teams are generally planned for 20 percent production support and 20 percent small projects, although this varies by team and individual. E-mail Address Issues - Gill Emmons/Kathleen Flynn/Theresa Regan - There is an increased reliance on e-mail for important communications throughout the Institute. It is a primary communication method to employees for HR related information (Benefits, etc.), and to managers and/or principal investigators for financial and time sheet information. A number of these e-mails are not getting to the addressee. Some problems are as simple as typographical errors, or forwarded e-mail may being filtered, and in some cases the employees may choose not to have an e-mail address. Re-directing bounced e-mail is time consuming and creates a significant administrative burden. The attendees discussed a proposed policy requiring two e-mail addresses for each employee: a public one (which can be left blank) and a private MIT address for business mail based on Kerberos ID. One suggestion was that we should start with e-mail address guidelines including business e-mail address, standard text regarding intended use of e-mail, advice on forwarding, etc., before moving to a policy. Round Table IS&T is looking to take eight systems down for one day, another task required to improve our redundancy. The latest proposed date is Saturday, February 4th. Systems which will be impacted include: SAP, Data Warehouse, MITSIS, Libraries, and Alumni. Please assess the impact of this date and send any comments/responses to Kevin Lyons ( Copies of presentation materials from today's meeting can be found on the SAPbiz website. ( Next meeting will be: Wednesday, January 11 at 10:30 in the NE49, Grand Cayman conference room. Regards, Jean/Sue and Mary Ellen Jean Roberge and Sue St. Croix Controller's Accounting Office (617) 253-0550 NE49-3142 _______________________________________________ AdminComp-LT mailing list